
Phone number

Configure the variable that contains the phone number that will be analyzed.

Usually, the variable “source_phone” from the Incoming Call is used as the input variable, but any other variable that contains a phone number can be used.

If the variable containing the phone number is not the “source_phone”, the call attestation information will not be available.



There are two sets of variables that can be used to route the call in Studio and that can be seen in the table below. Use them to fill in the relevant "Variables" fields.

  • Phone validation insights.
  • SHAKEN/STIR call attestation.

Validation Insights

Validation InsightDescriptionValue typeValue ranges
VOIPIllustrates if this phone number is a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) or a digital phone number.String “true”
RiskyPoints out if this phone number is associated with fraudulent activity, scams, fake accounts, or other suspicious behavior.String “true”
ValidIndicates if the phone number is considered valid based on assigned phone numbers available to carriers in the caller’s country.Boolean “true”
ActiveReveals if this phone number is a live phone number that is currently active.String “true”
* “N/A”
StatusThe phone validation status as a result of the Fraud Score.String“SAFE”
CarrierThe carrier this phone number has been assigned to, or "N/A" if unknown.String (the carrier name)
Pre PaidIndicates if this phone number is associated with a prepaid service plan.String “true”
* “N/A”
Line TypeThe type of line this phone number is associated with (Toll-Free, Wireless, Landline, Satellite, VOIP, Premium Rate, Pager, etc...) or "N/A" if unknown.String “VOIP”
“Premium Rate”
Do Not CallIndicates if the phone number is listed on any Do Not Call (DNC) list. Only supported in the US and CA.String “true”
* “N/A”
Fraud ScoreThe risk score. It measures how likely a phone number is to be fraudulent.IntegerPercentage from 0 to 100 with no decimal numbers
Fraud scores < 75% are considered Safe
Fraud scores >= 75% and < 85% are Suspicious
* Fraud scores >=85% are High-risk
Recent AbuseDetails whether this phone number has been associated with recent or ongoing fraud.String “true”
* “N/A”

SHAKEN/STIR Call Attestation

Call attestationSpoofing detectionDescription
TN-Validation-Passed-ASafeThe service provider has fully authenticated that the customer initiating the call is authorized to use the calling number.
(Unable to verify)
The service provider has fully authenticated that the customer initiating the call is authorized to use the calling number.
Although the call was attested with a particular status, the final carrier could not confirm that the attestation was the one presented.
TN-Validation-Passed-BSuspiciousThe carrier can authenticate its relationship with the calling customers but cannot verify if the consumer is authorized to use the number
(Unable to verify)
The carrier can authenticate its relationship with the calling customers but cannot verify if the consumer is authorized to use the number.
Although the call was attested with a particular status, the final carrier could not confirm that the attestation was the one presented.
TN-Validation-Passed-CHigh riskThe initiating service provider has authenticated that it placed the call on its network but has no relationship with the caller.
TN-Validation-Failed-CHigh risk
(Unable to verify)
The initiating service provider has authenticated that it placed the call on its network but has no relationship with the caller.
Although the call was attested with a particular status, the final carrier could not confirm that the attestation was the one presented.
No-TN-ValidationN/AThe carrier is unable to verify the caller for this phone number country or region.
TN-Validation-FailedN/AThe carrier is unable to verify the caller for this phone number country or region.