Callback and Voicemail from Queue
Callback and voicemail offers provide significant value to contact centers by improving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
Callbacks allow contact persons to request a return call from an agent without waiting in the queue. This option is particularly useful during periods of high call volumes or when waiting times are long.
Voicemails, on the other hand, enable contact persons to leave a recorded message - this way, it is easier to respond to their questions and needs promptly.
With Studio, you can offer alternative options like placing a callback request or leaving a voicemail while the contact person is in the waiting queue.
These options are configured in the Assignment and dial component as "Alternative Exits", optional configurations that "Offer key press alternatives to callers while they are in waiting queue."
For example, if you wish to offer a callback from the queue, click the desired keypress, add an exit name, and select the "Request callback from queue" component in the Send to field.
The same process can be used to add a "Voicemail" component in a similar scenario.
Note that, in order to inform contact persons about these offers, an informative waiting message should be included in the "Assignment and dial" component.

Assignment and Dial exits with Callback and Voicemail offers from queue.
Updated about 1 year ago